My mission is to assist you in expanding your Spiritual Conscious Awareness... Through successful spiritual practices and techniques, aimed to reeducate, heal, and motivate you to reconnect with the inner power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within you... and allowing you to hold and radiate that high frequency and spectrum energy outwards through your spiritual presence...which you are only able to do after rebirth... in order to create Heaven on Earth... Thus becoming a firm foundation stone to build a better world/ matrix system upon...
Mutha Wit Wisdom, offers Divine guidance, instruction and support for spiritual and metaphysical expanding spiritual conscious awareness,
grounding, anchoring and alignment, focusing on personal growth and self-discovery. Comfortably going from darkness into light, offering a fresh perspective to make better decisions and achieve better results. we will help you connect with your inner self, releasing negative energies, through negative thoughts and feelings by bringing clarity to your existence as a Spiritual Being.
Through personalized coaching sessions, workshops, and online courses, We will empower individuals as well as diverse collective groups, to explore their spirituality, recognize how and why to establish a Deeply Spiritually Conscious Core to enhance their intuition, by developing a deeper understanding of themselves spiritually along with the spiritual world around them through spiritual observation and integration...
Eye am dedicated to assisting individuals in finding their spiritual purpose, connecting with the wholeness and holiness of their inner selves, and achieving a sense of balance and fulfillment in their lives. Eye am a fifty-nine year old grandmother of six, Mother of an adult daughter and son... Eye was born with many of my spiritual gifts, talents, and discernment... My genetic background is very diverse...Chickamauga Cherokee, Black , Mexican Indian and Hawaiian... Eye have vivid access to ancestral wisdom and akashic records...Eye have been studying, teaching, practicing, writing, talking about Cosmic Rebirth for over thirty years...Through written articles, many different types of social media platforms, videos on You Tube, and broadcasted from my own and others radio blog talk shows on Blog Talk Radio. Eye am, an author of published poetry...Eye was asked to write a written review of another poets, poetry book...
Eye am retired, the last position eye held was Residential Administrator Of Hope House, A residential and day center for adults with mental health issues as well as a first response station for the County in which eye lived ...
often doing assessments for the cities police officers for non emergency calls...Eye have worked and volunteered as a Women's and Children's Advocate for Domestic Violence.... Eye have worked as a Multicultural Liaison.... Eye have worked with the Department of Commerce as a Supervisor of Recruiting Regional and District...In my early work years eye worked as a nurse's aid in both nursing homes and hospitals... Eye have led Women's Spiritual Groups, eye have participated in several workshops and conferences on recovering from trauma and sexual assault of which eye am a survivor... Eye have a Blogtalk Radio Podcast show. Eye also have a Youtube Channel....Eye can be found on FaceBook as Mutha Wit Wisdom as well as Valerie Ames Middlebrook, Honeycomb Conversations, and Voluptuous In-Vestments...
Eye prefer to use the word Eye, rather than the letter I, simply because it holds deeper meaning and spiritual clarity and commitment to me, as it serves not just as a representation of my personality but my unique frequencies and spectrums as a spiritual sovereign individual as well as a sovereign being of a spiritual collective.
Eye love music...eye love to read....eye love to learn...eye have an open mind...an active imagination....a keen sense of spiritual discernment...an insatiable curiosity....and an overwhelming abundance of unconditional love... Eye am a very sensitive intuitive and instinctive being...all which make me kind of an eccentric eclectic and a lover of peaceful solitude... which eye believe society would be able to thrive with if we learned how many benefits & blessings are manifested to support the inner peace...which radiates...creating peace around you.​​​

“The only journey is the one within.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke

So many human beings are mentally, physically, spiritually drained and stressed, depressed, and weighed down. Many wounds have been inflicted, in utero, early childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and even upon reaching a mature age. Most beings...live their entire lives never addressing those older fragmented wounds, and they keep repeating the same life patterns and choices over and over again. These wounds have led to the unbalance of the mind, body, soul and spirit. This World's Matrix System's Programming has dulled, stripped, and eroded the natural intuitive and instinctive spiritual conscious awareness of many living souls.
The Living Soul must be born again...by being emptied out of all that has been deposited inside by trauma, societal programming, grooming and conditioning, through the ego, the world system, and every other toxic substance and or being, that has been allowed access to the the core essence of your being ... The Living Soul has to form a relationship with the Inner Voice, The Authentic Self, The Higher Self, The Divine Holy Spirit, upon re-establishing this Spiritual connection, The Living Soul is only then able to freely consciously download, upload, empower, feed. nourish, and nurture Itself with the vital essence of Spiritual Wisdom and Universal Laws through cosmic frequencies and spectrums of vibrating sounds and light... it is also able to regenerate...reproduce, reflect, and radiate that healing energy of unconditional love once it is learned...at unique higher levels...
Once learned, an integrated spiritual discernment also known as a expanding spiritual conscious awareness, creates a new dimensional and perspective priority in your existence...As you continue to expand your spiritual conscious awareness you recognize and nurture the consistent constant cycles and seasons of rebirth that take place within your natural cosmic spiritual existence and evolution...

The personal cost requires you to work through your wounds, and scars, thoughts, feelings and belief systems. It requires you to investigate and align the seen and the unseen, and develop trust in yourself and in your decisions, as part of your natural spiritual intuition and instinct of unconditional love for your highest self, and the sacred womb space that you will be able to conceive...create and anchor...upon completion of your commitments to work honestly and openly with the Holy Spirit...
It will require you to let go of the old paradigm programming, of 3D limitations such as self-hate, gender classification fear of aging and fear of physical death, Skin color/race/tribe superiority, fear, doubt, greed, claiming and relying on everyone else but yourself, as well as a Me First approach to everything, without even knowing who you are as a spiritually conscious being...
A serious commitment and dedication on your part is required, for that reason energy exchanges are nonrefundable... Energy exchange and donations will occur via PayPal, and several other options... A large binder. five different folders with holes to go into the binder. a notebook, a sketch pad, (at least 8.5 x I I) a highlighter, pen or pencil, colored pencils or markers, email address, phone number. A phone or computer to access all related information as well as participation and interaction...
Workbooks and printout sheets will be able to be downloaded and or be printed out by you as necessary... You will need to purchase your own Carol Bridges "MEDICINE WOMAN GUIDE BOOK AND TAROT DECK SET" for the Beginning of Spiritual Discernment through the Medicine Womb of Cosmic Wisdom Course... As well as any other books that will be used as resources and book reviews for Building a Cosmic Wisdom Library... Taking notes is recommended... Writing down questions for discussion is recommended...
Zoom or Google Meeting, or the telephone will be used to facilitate all services... Open forums and discussion groups will be available here on the website as well as Facebook, Administrators and moderators would be greatly appreciated... Spiritual Community is very important to me...so everything will be a safe, secure private sacred space for members only... We must agree to interact as sacred beings...by being nonjudgmental, and open minded, capable of expanding our spiritual conscious awareness beyond limited personal thoughts, feelings and beliefs... ​​​​​